A blizzard is a severe snowstorm or winter storms characterized by low temperature, strong winds, and heavy snow. The difference between a blizzard and a snow storm is the strength of the wind. To be a considered a blizzard, the storm must have winds in excess of 35 miles per hour, it should reduce the visibility to 1/4 miles, and must last for a prolonged period of 3 hours or more. Ground blizzards require high winds to stir up snow that has already fallen, rather than fresh snowfall. Blizzards have a negative impact on local economics and can terminate the visibility in regions where snowfall is rare.

Blizzards can bring near-whiteout conditions, and can paralyze regions for days at a time, particularly where snowfall is unusual or rare. The 1972 Iran blizzard, which caused approximately 4000 deaths, was the deadliest in recorded history.

LinkList of Blizzard Events

  • Ground Hog Day Blizzard of 2011
  • The New York blizzard in 2010
  • Third North American blizzard of 2010
  • Second North American blizzard of 2010
  • First North American blizzard of 2010
  • February 2007 North America Winter Storm
  • Saskatchewan blizzard of 2007
  • Blizzard of 1999
  • Great Blizzard of 1993
  • Halloween Blizzard of 1991
  • Chicago Blizzard of 1979
  • Northeastern United States Blizzard of 1978
  • Great Blizzard of 1978
  • Blizzard of 1977
  • Chicago Blizzard of 1967
  • North American blizzard of 1947
  • Armistice Day Blizzard of 1940
  • Great Lakes Storm of 1913
  • Schoolhouse Blizzard of 1888, North American Great Plains
  • Great Blizzard of 1888, Northeastern U.S.

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